Production of sand cores and
resin for foundries


Italcore is a family business, heir to decades of experience in the sector.

Our company is based in Curtarolo (PD), Via Argine Villabozza n.28, where the administrative offices, the production plant and the logistics are located.

Our strength and goal are the attention to detail and the minimization of imperfections, combined with our ability to satisfy the requests of the customers.

Customers are followed right from the planning of the supply and in the resolution of problems related to the state of the proprietary equipment necessary for the desired production.

We provide a full service, from the initial planning of the supply to the post sale resolution of problems related to the state of the proprietary equipment necessary to obtain desired production.

We want to grow the customer value chain by providing excellent products that are not subject to competition.


Cores are the foundations to the entire engineering industry .

They determine the cavities inside the castings, that is, they prevent the molten metal from filling a certain part of the casting,
thus creating a vacuum.

Italcore carries out the production of cores with the special forming process called Coldbox , which uses a gaseous catalyst that promotes polymerization at room temperature.

The entire production cycle is carried out within the Company .
So-called machinery are used. "Core shooters", which inject a compound of silica sand and resin at high pressure into specific molds.

The operator then has the task of picking up the formed core , quality control and technical compliance
the order specifications, and then proceeds to finish.

At the customer's request, the core is also painted , with the immersion method and with a special refractory compound, both for the entire piece and for only some parts.


The forming process used by Italcore is called coldbox .

It is a “cold” process where the molds are not heated and can therefore be made of wood or resin . The polymerization process of different synthetic resins is used which act as a binder: the sand is mixed with liquid resins that react with a gaseous catalyst in the mold at room temperature.

The coldbox process makes it possible to create cores even of large dimensions given the possibility of core hardening, without the need for heating, typically full, with a surface less defined and more delicate. The so-called machinery "Core shooters" introduce the compound of silica sand and resin at high pressure into specific molds, so-called "Cassed’anima".

Once the forming process has been completed, the operator will have the task of taking the formed core, checking its quality and technical compliance with reference to the shop assistant. Subsequently, you can proceed with the finishing of the product removing any residues or smudges.



Contact us now to request information and receive personalized advice based on your needs.

Via Argine di Villabozza, 28, 
35010 Curtarolo PD